Chelsea Moorman, RDH, BSDH, FADHA graduated magna cum laude from the Caruth School of Dental Hygiene at Texas A&M - Baylor College of Dentistry in 2016. While there, she served in multiple leadership positions in her class and as the president of the school’s student chapter of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SCADHA). Before graduation she was inducted into the dental hygiene honor society, Sigma Phi Alpha, and served as the president in 2023. Chelsea works clinically in Dallas, Texas for a general practice that specializes in treating patients with special healthcare needs and as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the dental hygiene department at Texas A&M School of Dentistry (TAM-SOD). Chelsea has been on the board of directors for the Dallas Dental Hygienists’ Association (DDHA) since she graduated in 2016 in a variety of positions including President, Vice President of Membership, Treasurer, and the chair of DDHA’s CE Weekend programs. She has served many times as a delegate for Dallas at the Texas Dental Hygienists’s Association annual conference, representing hygienist’s views in the area. In 2023 she became the chair of Hygiene CE Express for Dallas’ Southwest Dental Conference. At TAM-SOD, in addition to teaching in the clinic she is a co-SCADHA advisor, a research mentor for student poster presentations, and on the clinic curriculum task-force to help update clinic grading rubrics and policies. In 2023 she was invited to join the Dental Hygiene Advisory Committee for Dallas College. Chelsea was an inaugural inductee as a Fellow of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association for her commitment to service and continuing education. When she is not thinking about teeth, Chelsea enjoys going on long walks with her husband and dog, reading, traveling and getting together with her friends to discuss true-crime. She is obsessed with all things pink, playing bingo, ghosts, sloths and - of course - getting to work with her best friend, Breezy.