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Camomile uses in Dentistry.

  • 30 Days
  • 33 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
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Course Description: This course will discuss the impact chamomile has on the body and specifically in dentistry. We will briefly discuss the history of chamomile as it relates to the dental patient. Chamomile has both analgesic and antibacterial properties that are beneficial to the dental patient. Chamomile's anti-inflammatory property may also be useful when considering the periodontal involved patient. Drug interactions can commonly occur when taking chamomile supplements or teas. This course will provide the clinician with an understanding of the benefits chamomile may have for the dental patient. Course Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, the oral health care provider will be able to: 1. Understand the role chamomile has played long through out the history of mankind. 2. Understand the properties of chamomile, and their benefits to the dental patient. 3. Understand the pharmacological interactions between prescribed and OTC drugs and chamomile. 4. Recognize how chamomile may benefit the dental setting.

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Single Payment
Silver Plan


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